
: Happy Global Running Day Wednesday June 7th is Global Running Day! A day dedicated to celebrating the joys and abundant …

: A Journey from Six Words to Bestseller In 2007, Smith Magazine challenged its readers to sum up their lives in six words. I penned …

: In many situations, there is more to the story than what is presented to you. Dig deeper, seek …

: A memorable journey of 26.2 miles with my daughter Running a marathon is an incredible feat in itself, but running it alongside a loved one adds a …

: Happiness is a beautiful contradiction. It blends light and dark, joy and sorrow. It thrives on …

: From Couch to Full Marathons As I reflect on my running journey from couch to full marathons in just 6 years, I am filled with a …

: Your willingness to believe in yourself and take risks can inspire others to step outside their …

: Runner Strength Training For the past year or so, I’ve included runner specific strength training as a part of my marathon …

: Embracing my Inner Child I came across this decades old photo of me from when I was 9 years old. It compelled me to reflect …

: “What then shall I do this morning? How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives… …

: Dark chocolate/ Silky smooth and rich/ A moment of pure delight/

: April was a heavy mileage and strength training month for me. So I took the first few days of May …

: Thanks @topgold for pointing out the categories option. Just added running.

: Cross posting from I like that Bluesky is supported as well.

: Your purpose is not the thing you do, it is the thing that happens in others when you do the thing …

: “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do” - Carl Jung

: When the road and I become one. #easyrunning

: Haiku poem analysis by ChatGPT I asked ChatGPT to analyze this Haiku poem I wrote about 10 years ago. I wanted to see how well it …

: I asked ChatGPT to analyze this Haiku poem I wrote 10 years ago. I wanted to see if it could …

: I asked ChatGPT to write a Shakespearean style Sonnet about A.I., here it is. Impressive. Oh, …

: Trying out this Gluon app. Photo is from my Resolution 5K race on 1/1/2023. I usually run this race …

: The Obstacle is the Way “The Obstacle is the Way" is a concept based on the philosophy of Stoicism. The idea is that …

: “Recognize that unlearning is the highest form of learning”. - Rumi

: My Weekend Long Run I ran 20 miles this weekend, (10 on Saturday and 10 on Sunday). My weekend long runs are mostly at …

: Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be? There may be many layers …

: My coffee is so good this morning, I felt inspired to write a Haiku poem, in the 5-7-5 syllabic …

: My coffee is so good this morning, I felt inspired to write a Haiku poem, in the 5-7-5 syllabic …

: The most memorable race of my 7 year running journey so far was the NYC Marathon in 2022. I had the …

: This app has some neat features. it reminds me of the golden days of weblogging (pre …

: Kettlebell workouts This year, I’ve prioritized strength training in my routine. Specifically, Kettlebell exercises …

: Testing…